Minangkabau Halal Festival II, Gubernur: Iklim Industri Halal di Sumbar Makin Kuat

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Gubernur Sumbar Mahyeldi membuka gelaran Minangkabau Halal Festival II, Kamis (30/05/2024) di Auditorium Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). IST
Gubernur Sumbar Mahyeldi membuka gelaran Minangkabau Halal Festival II, Kamis (30/05/2024) di Auditorium Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP). IST

JERNIHNEWS.COM - The West Sumatra Provincial Government is holding the Minangkabau Halal Festival II which will be centered at the UNP Padang Auditorium from Thursday 30 May 2024 to 03 June. The Governor of West Sumatra, Mahyeldi Ansharullah, assessed that this event was part of implementing the mandate of Law Number 17 of 2022, as well as further strengthening the halal industrial climate in West Sumatra.

"Last week, West Sumatra Province won the title of General Champion in the 2024 Adinata Syariah Award. This shows that our efforts in developing the sharia economy and halal industry have shown real results," said the Governor when inaugurating the opening of the Minangkabau Halal Festival II, Thursday (30/05 /2024).

According to the Governor, the implementation of the Minangkabau Halal Festival is very much in line with the hopes of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the growth of Indonesia's halal industry, which rests heavily on the shoulders of the Province and the people of West Sumatra.

"On this occasion, repeating the success of a similar event last year, we again invite the younger generation and entrepreneurs to take part in enlivening this event. As well as various other events related to the halal industry and sharia economy in West Sumatra," said the Governor again.

The governor also said that events related to the halal industry would continue to strengthen the branding of Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) products from West Sumatra at the national and even international levels. "Of course events like this will further accelerate the development of SMEs in West Sumatra," he said again.

On that occasion, the Governor also expressed his appreciation to UNP for being willing to facilitate the location for holding the Minangkabau Halal Festival for two consecutive years.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, the Head of the West Sumatra Cooperative and SME Service, Endrizal, said that at least 100 tenants (both) took part in the Minangkabau Halal Festival this time. Starting from tenants who will produce food products, cosmetics, property, and so on. ( adpsb/bsn )